
Spotlight on Podcasts Stardate 83115.13

It's time for this week's podcast. This week we have another Star Trek podcast; Hailing Frequency. This podcast is put together by ChessMess (who is from the US but the show is from the UK-figure that one out) and it's purpose to share the latest and greatest news for Star Trek gaming.

Now before you say, "Star Trek Games suck" I want to you consider the fact that there have been some really great games out there, ie. Star Trek: the 25th anniversary, Star Trek: Voyager Elite Force (Okay it's not better than Halo or Unreal but it's hard to top that.) It's true the same have been pretty lack luster lately but I am hopeful with the new company making the games it will get better. Who knows, it may get better if they put a little effort into it.

I am an avid gamer and a serious Trekkie so I enjoy listening to this podcast. (Yes a trekkie-I like that word better than Trekker.) overall this podcast is put together really well and is a treat to listen to. If you love gaming and love Star Trek (duh) then you will get a kick out of this podcast.



Star Trek fan files for bankruptcy Stadate 8311.61

Tony Alleyne, best known for his appearance in Trekkies 2 (see below) has filed for bankruptcy. Tony spent over $70,896 (au I believe) turning his London apartment into the Starship Enterprise. Now sadly he is really in the hole and may not be able to keep his place.

This is truly sad because I totally loved his apartment and I hoped he would have been able to keep it or at least sell it. If the bank takes it away then what will happen to the one of a kind place? Who knows . . .

It's not fair what happened to him, he really put his heart and soul into the place. Then again life is never fair. Heck, I've had my fair share of finacial problems. Good luck Tony, you'll need it!

Check out the article I got in my Google Alert:

Picture of Denise Crosby and Tony Alleyne during the filming of Trekkies 2.

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Sly Cooper Fan Fic Finished Stadate 83106.19

The last month or so I have been hard at work creating a fanfic for an obsession of mine: Sly Cooper. I have finally finished it and submitted it to the company's website: http://www.suckerpunch.com/ . I do not know if it will be posted but I hope it will since I really want to share it with other fans of the series.

For those of you who do not know, Sly Cooper is a Character of a game series of the same name. Sly is a raccoon (yes Furry fans rejoice!) who comes from a long line of thieves. One day when he was eight five strangers burst into his home and murder his father while Sly watches from a nearby closet. They bust up the house and take the Thievus Raccoonus (If I can spell it right). As for Sly he gets dumped at an orphanage where he meets his pals and future cohorts. Of course, Sly returns to his thieving heritage and begins the search for his father's murderers and the missing pages of the Thievus Raccoonus.

So far there have been three games in this series and this story takes place between the first and second games. Its a romance between Sly and a new character I made up. Of course, it’s not a simple romance (I'd get bored,) there is intrigue and betrayals along with selfless sacrifice.



Chief of Trivia and Facts Resigns Stardate 83101.62

Today it is my sad duty to report that my Chief of Trivia and Facts, Kevin, has decided to step down. I enjoyed working with Kevin and I wish him well. Hopefully, he will decide not to leave IFT as well since I believe he still has a lot to gain from his ship and it's crew. However, if he does indeed decide to leave IFT I hope this message reaches him; Good Luck Kevin!