
First Post Stardate 82992.39

[Hailing Frequencies open]

I have finally bit the bullet and have put together this blog. Now before you close this site without reading a single line please consider this: Blogs are simple and easy ways to get content up to the web. Its true, they are over rated. Most people couldcareless about what you have to say. (Unless what you say pertains to them)

So I wont create a blog, I will create a site that simply uses blog technology to share with you the happening in the USS T'HY'LA Department of Morale.

Recent News:

Right now I have three positions open:

Chief of Role Playing Events:
Responsible for the management any online role playing events. Right now it is the fledging Mock Trial (It is currently unnamed) This person would be also responsible for any other RPGs that we want create later on.
Chief of Gaming:
Shares with the ship on online gamming ideas, activities, and any game-related news via the newsletter, email, and other communication methods.
Chief of Crew Disposition:
Focuses on individual crew members' well being and reports needs to the Chief of Morale
If you are interested in any of these positions, please feel free to contact me. Please include in the subject line the position you are interested in. I will get back to you as soon as possible. Thanks!

I do have a new Chief of Trivia and Facts. His name is Kevin (sec_of_army@msn.com ). He has already got his website set up (http://www.geocities.com/iftchapter/). Please take some time and check it out.

As always, you can email me anytime at chiefofmorale@gmail.com ! Good Night.

[Hailing Frequencies closed]